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Impact of the IRGF on the Lives of Youth Golfers – Personal Stories 2020

IRGF Positive Input in My Life "In about 3 weeks, I will be attending the University of Florida to pursue a degree in biomedical engineering. I hope to achieve a master's degree and possibly an MBA in business. In the future, I hope to work in biotechnology and design devices that improve the medical industry and provide a faster, easier treatment/delivery/solution to patients. For one of my college applications, I wrote a short response about golf: Sebastian River High School Varsity Golf, Co-captain (9, 10, 11, 12) Golf is a passion, but it is not where my future lies, except for its pure lifetime enjoyment of the sport. I have been playing golf since 5th grade and I am blessed to live in a community that encourages youth golf participation regardless of skills or socioeconomic barriers. Golf is a continuous journey full of learning and discovery and epitomizes the ultimate…Read More

IRGF / Friends / Manners / Fun "After interviewing Blake the first word from his mouth was, “Friends.” We were able to recall over 35+ boys & girls, golf pros & parents that he would never have known if not for IRGF. But he said Dad, “Nick!” I wouldn’t know Nick at all & they have been best friends almost 4 yrs. They met at John's Island Club (West Course) at skills challenge and have been inseparable since. He recalls a lot of “Epic matches & moments,” one being the hole-in-one of Nick at Quail Valley and the hard fought win of Blake over Connor Sloss at VBCC, lots of laughable moments when he was embarrassed being teamed up with other young ladies and wound up really enjoying it. He is very fond of you in the sense that you laugh & joke with him, teach him(especially the rules Blake…Read More

IRGF Impact on My Life "It will take me a about an hour to write this. But from the time Blake & I became involved with IRGF.....let’s just say you’ve greatly impacted my life, the life of Blake & so much more. I am actually going all in on becoming a PGA teaching professional and while I played college golf, had I not had the opportunity to be around kids, get to know you, share tons of memories with Blake & many other kids....I never would’ve realized at 37 Golf would be my career path. I have had the opportunity to meet tons of wonderful people, realize how much junior golf impacted my life and how important it is to pass it on. I have accepted a job at John’s Island, caddied & been involved with golf as much as possible for the past several years. The opportunities & dedication…Read More